Monday, May 02, 2005

Damn my aching back!

This past weekend was spent mostly at the Schwartz pad drinkin and playing poker. Normally I would be happy about doing that but this time not so much... Here are the reasons:
#1 On friday we were drinking because it was Dan's last day in the Fargo iNet office. I walked past his empty, darkened office a couple times today and my stomach just kinda sank. It just isn't the same without his headphone clad head peaking over the rediculous amount of monitors stacked up in his office. I hope he is having a good first day at his new job but we all miss him here.
#2 On Saturday I was over at the Schwartz residence again because our good friend Blakeby was in town... We did some more drinking and poker playing. It was all fun and games until later in the eveing say around 1:30 am. I was chatting on the phone with my roomate Heather and out of nowhere Dan tackled me. Now this might not have been a problem, but he tackled me and the CHAIR I was sitting in. Needless to say I have a few giant bruises on my back and leg. I was kinda stiff all day yesterday; today the bruises are throbbing. Are bruises supposed to throb? So Dan if you are reading this, THANKS!

Seriously though, it was a good weekend. Hanging out at the Schwartz's is always a good time.


At 4:01 PM, Blogger dj said...

sorry bout that! those white russians really got to me.


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