Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bad day getting worse...

You know how sometimes you just have one of those days where nothing goes right? Well that day is here! At least for me anyway... I woke up, got dressed and was walking out the door when I noticed I didn't have my keys. They weren't on our little key hanger thing, they weren't in my purse, they weren't in my coat or pants pocket from the night before. I decided they must be somewhere in the hell-pit Neal and call a room so I started to dig. They weren't in the hell-pit either! I decided to call Neal thinking perhaps he had moved them... He didn't answer his cell phone so I called him at work. Just as I got a hold of him I took another look at our key hanger thing and they were there, hiding behind HEATHER'S KEYS!

Now I am at work and things are not getting any better... One of my employees was sleeping on the job last night and was sent home. 2 of them decided to leave early and 2 others didn't show up at all... No phone call, no nothing. We have a project going on that has a very tight deadline and we only got 43 completed surveys last night. Normally we get 100. Oh yeah I was supposed to tape the news last night for our a Bismarck client and do you think that worked? Oh hell no. I programmed the VCR and it taped the 6:00 news but not the 10:00 and of course the info they needed was on the 10:00 news.

You know what I realized as I was typing this blog? It is MARCH 15th! BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH! Dammit! I should have just stayed in bed today...


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