Monday, April 06, 2009

Holy Crap I Haven't Blogged Since 2006!!

I guess I didn't feel the need or want to blog until I stumbled across this interview.

So after hiding out for three years why did this compel me to post? Well... I lurve Steven Wright AND I don't get to watch late night tv much anymore since I generally get up around 5 am. But I caught Craig Ferguson the other night and was thoroughly entertained. I don't generally like late night talk shows. With the exceptions of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. I honestly could care less about the lives of celebrities and whatever mundane crap they decide to talk about. But in the 2 times I have watched his show in the last 2 years Craig Ferguson really entertained me. He seems different than the others. So tell me, did i just happen to catch Craig on good nights, or is he different/more entertaining.

I know I will probably catch some hell here for not mentioning Conan but honestly I only like to watch Conan until the guests come on and then I turn it off.

So give me your opinions people... If I get a reply in my comments I might even post again!


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Invisibles Quiz

Wow! This is a lot harder than you would think. shows 8 stills from different movies with the faces deleted just leaving whatever the character was wearing. Guess what movie it is if you can! They have a new one up every week... submit your answers and see how you do!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Funny shit!

I was reading WWdN: in exile this morning and he posted about this . You have to watch all three videos frakkin hilarious! The are under "the more you know" heading.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Wedding Date Set!

Some of you may or may not know that Neal and I were planning on getting married 7-7-07. The reception hall we thought we had booked ended up not being booked after all... So I started freaking out a little! We did some checking in the Bismarck area and found 2 places that were still available. But before we ended up booking that date (again) we found out that the Jehovah's Witness national convention was being held in Bismarck and there were NO hotel rooms available in the city! So it was actually a blessing in disguise that our original plans fell through. As of today we have a new date set 8-11-07. So mark your calendars!

Monday, May 08, 2006

I think my brain nearly exploded!

Just a min ago I was working away while listening to the radio. Sarah McLachlin's "Building a Mystery" the acoustic version was on... All of a sudden I got a headache in the back of my head and I realized it was the song! She is continually singing the same irritating, headache inducing note! I had to shut the radio off before I went crazy! I used to really enjoy that song but I don't think I will ever be able to listen to it again.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Save the Internet!



Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an iPod? Everything we do online will be hurt if Congress passes a radical law next week that gives giant corporations more control over what we do and see on the Internet.

Internet providers like AT&T are lobbying Congress hard to gut Network Neutrality--the Internet's First Amendment and the key to Internet freedom. Net Neutrality prevents AT&T from choosing which websites open most easily for you based on which site pays AT&T more. doesn't have to outbid Amazon for the right to work properly on your computer.

If Net Neutrality is gutted, many sites--including Google, eBay, and iTunes--must either pay protection money to companies like AT&T or risk having their websites process slowly. That why these high-tech pioneers, plus diverse groups ranging from MoveOn to Gun Owners of America, are opposing Congress' effort to gut Internet freedom.

You can do your part today--can you sign this petition telling your member of Congress to preserve Internet freedom? Click here:

I signed this petition, along with 250,000 others so far. This petiton will be delivered to Congress before the House of Representatives votes next week. When you sign, you'll be kept informed of the next steps we can take to keep the heat on Congress., which monitors various causes that circulate on the Internet, explained:

Simply put, network neutrality means that no web site's traffic has precedence over any other's...Whether a user searches for recipes using Google, reads an article on, or looks at a friend's MySpace profile, all of that data is treated equally and delivered from the originating web site to the user's web browser with the same priority. In recent months, however, some of the telephone and cable companies that control the telecommunications networks over which Internet data flows have floated the idea of creating the electronic equivalent of a paid carpool lane.

If companies like AT&T have their way, Web sites ranging from Google to eBay to iTunes either pay protection money to get into the "fast lane" or risk opening slowly on your computer. We can't let the Internet--this incredible medium which has been such a revolutionary force for democratic participation, economic innovation, and free speech--become captive to large corporations.

Politicians don't think we are paying attention to this issue. Together, we do care about preserving the free and open Internet.

Please sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Internet freedom. Click here:


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Goin to California

Nope it isn't just a Led Zepplin song this time, I am heading to So Cal tomorrow! Laguna Beach here I come! I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend!
