Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Do I look like a Ma'am to you?

Ok, I was walking into work this morning minding my own business when I hear, "Ma'am can you please help me?" I didn't look up initally because I thought she must be talking to someone else. I did a quick scan of the parking lot and I was the only one out there... So I looked in the direction the voice came from and a lady in a Ford Explorer was looking directly at me. She said again, "Ma'am can you help me, I am looking for the Montessori school." I went over, pointed the school out to her, smiled and walked off very dejected. I am 28 years old, do 28 year olds deserve the title Ma'am? Now I realize I have a LOT of gray hair that hasn't been dyed in quite a while, but really do I look like a Ma'am? I just went in the bathroom and took a good hard look at myself... I don't think I look like a Ma'am... But then again who wants to think she looks like a Ma'am? Can't we just force everyone to say Madame from now on? That is what Ma'am comes from isn't it? Madame sounds much more distinguished to me. I think I am going to start an email campaign for the elimination of Ma'am from our common vernacular. Ma'am just makes every woman feel old. Ok I could be overreacting here, but still it just wasn't the first thing I wanted to hear this morning, or truthfully ever in my life.


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