Thursday, June 23, 2005

Cool T-shirts

I just found a cool new site you might want to check out... Threadless! If you like cool T's or even have a cool T design in your head threadless is for you! If you design your own T it is put to a vote and you could have your very own t-shirt running around in this great big world! I think I might purchase "pillow fight"! It is a cool site to check out, so do it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


This morning our power went out around 5:45. I woke up when my fan turned off and in my groggy haze reset my clock and alarm. What I didn't realize is I set my clock for a.m. and my alarm for p.m.!!! So around 9 this morning Heather poked her head in my room and said, "Did you know the power went off this morning?" I was like, "Yeah my alarm just hasn't gone off yet..." She said "Well it's 9 and I just thought I would check..." I said, "SHIT!!" Needless to say, I am having a GREAT day today!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Would someone please help me find my leg?

On Sunday Dan and I decided to kick the ol' soccer ball around for a while... I realized not only am I rediculously out of shape but my right leg muscles seem to have disappeared. I can't kick a ball for shit anymore. We are going to try and play once a week so maybe my leg will reappear. Let's just hope Dan gets his soccer field up and running soon so my right leg doesn't turn into 100% potato!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Once again, I sucked a poker last night...

game 1
1. jody
2. steve
3. michelle
4. onree
5. shane
6. dan
game 2
1. steve
2. dan
3. onree
4. jody
5. michelle
6. shane
june totals:
40 - steve
28 - jody
22 - dan
10 - michelle
10 - onree
10 - shane

I think this speaks for itself...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bike walking with kidpurple

I called Dan yesterday to see if he wanted to go rollerblading... It was one of those rare 76 degree, no wind days in Fargo so I figured I better take advantage of it. He called me back and suggested we go biking instead and I agreed. I went down to the garage to get my bike... This was my first bike outing since last summer so the tires were flat. I own a Gary Fischer bike and you have to have a special adapter to fill the tires but luckily I bought one last year. I went back up to my apartment to get it and I couldn't find it in the Hell-Pit I call a closet. I really need to find that Scheels bag because it has my new bike seat, a water bottle attachment for my bike, a water bottle and the little tiny adapter to fill my tires. I tried to get a hold of Dan to tell him about my situation but he didn't have his phone with him... So I took off on foot, with my bike, to the gas station where we were meeting in hopes that he had an adapter. He said, "I don't have no fancy-schmancy Gary Fisher like you" in Dan speak that means, I don't have an adapter you crazy bitch, so we walked my bike back to my apartment and took off for Scheels to get ANOTHER adatpter. I picked up two they were only $1 each but before I purchased them I made sure to ask the bike shop dude if it would work with my particular bike. The dude said I was good to go! Whew! Finally we were going to go on a bike ride! I walked my bike (Dan slowly rode his) back to the gas station where we attempted to fill my tires. I tried to fill them, Dan tried to fill them and NOTHING. No air was getting in. Two other people came up to fill their tires and the pump didn't work for them either so we all went across the street to use a different air pump. The other people filled first and it worked like a charm. I attempted to fill my tires again and nothing... I handed it over to Dan and he didn't get any air either. We flipped my adapter around tried all the angles and got nothing but flat tires. I think we might have even broken the pump nozzle on the last try. OOps! Dan and I walked my bike back to my apartment and we parted ways for the evening. Hopefully Scribner will let me use his adapter like I did last year and I will actually get to ride my bike this summer.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Tipsy cup

This past weekend was Steve's 3rd Annual 40th Birthday party. I must say a good time was had by all. We played a lively game of tipsy cup and I must say the girls kicked some major butt! Heather, Leslie and I were on a team and cleaned up! We did get beat a few times, but overall I think we were the champs! Especially since we were at the party the longest! If you don't know how to play tipsy cup here are the rules... You get two teams of three people on either side of a table. You fill a PLASTIC* cup about 1/2 full of beer. *do not use a GLASS cup or you will have a broken glass mess all over the place. Everybody places their hands on the table and the referee says DRINK! The first people for each team down their beer and have to flip their cup over and make it land top-side down on the table. The first team of three to down their beers and flip their cups wins! It is a fun time! If you have a party in a garage or somewhere that you don't care if the entire floor gets full of beer try this game, it is a hoot! Heck it is an entire hootinanny (SP?)! Thanks for hosting a GREAT party Jody and Steve!