Monday, June 06, 2005

Tipsy cup

This past weekend was Steve's 3rd Annual 40th Birthday party. I must say a good time was had by all. We played a lively game of tipsy cup and I must say the girls kicked some major butt! Heather, Leslie and I were on a team and cleaned up! We did get beat a few times, but overall I think we were the champs! Especially since we were at the party the longest! If you don't know how to play tipsy cup here are the rules... You get two teams of three people on either side of a table. You fill a PLASTIC* cup about 1/2 full of beer. *do not use a GLASS cup or you will have a broken glass mess all over the place. Everybody places their hands on the table and the referee says DRINK! The first people for each team down their beer and have to flip their cup over and make it land top-side down on the table. The first team of three to down their beers and flip their cups wins! It is a fun time! If you have a party in a garage or somewhere that you don't care if the entire floor gets full of beer try this game, it is a hoot! Heck it is an entire hootinanny (SP?)! Thanks for hosting a GREAT party Jody and Steve!


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