Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ok I suck at poker...

Well my prediction was right... I not only DIDN'T dominate at poker last night... I sucked. 4th place both games. I got crap cards and played them crappily too!

Neal was in town from Monday until this morning! It is always so great to see him and it makes me sad when he leaves. Hopefully he can find a job here soon! Keep your fingers crossed! While he was here he got me a new computer desk chair! I had been using a folding chair and that sucked! My new chair is awesome! Thanks Neal!

Ok I just re-read that last paragraph and I am the exclamation point queen! Oops! :)

Tonight we are going out to Red Lobster to celebrate Heather's last final! Good food and booze, what could be better?


At 5:27 PM, Blogger dj said...

you also suck at keeping a decently often updated blog :)


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