Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Moving and Birthday

Once again it has been a long time since I have posted. Bad Blogger, BAD! A lot has happened since my last posting! Many of you already know this but maybe there are a few of you that don't... Neal has moved to FARGO!! Yeah! It has only been 2 YEARS that we have been living in separate cities... He moved here last Wednesday, the 31st of August and has technically lived here for about 4 days. He got here and we turned around and went back to Bismarck over Labor day weekend for my birthday and his fantasy football draft. It was a very nice long weekend at home! It is a little weird going back now because Neal stays at his parent's and I stay at mine... At least that is how it worked last weekend. Not sure if that is how we will do it every time we go back but I am sure we will get it worked out.

My Birthday was lovely. We went out to dinner with my parent's, Neal's parents and some friends of my family. We went to the elks and had fabulous food and beverages! Then Schwartz, the Thune's and Jennifer Royse (thanks for coming all the way from NY Jennifer!) came down to the bar and joined us for after dinner drinks. We went off to the Peacock Alley after that with Tracy Fugere and her posse and ran in to all kinds of people! Twas a great night indeed! I hope everyone had as enjoyable a night as I did! I do have to mention that this is the last year of my 20's! Kinda weird. Hopefully it will be a great year!


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