Wednesday, July 20, 2005

long time no post

My good friend Schwartz pointed out that I haven't posted anything here in a while... Oops! I figured I better change that! Much has happened since my last post. Had a sucessful Anti-Reunion, Reunion. Thanks to everybody that came out to the river for some fun drinkin and bean bag game action! Sorry we didn't get to crown a champion, maybe we can do it again next year and get started before it decides to thunderstorm! If you want to see some pics visit Jennie Mork's Weblog there are some good ones there.

I have pretty much sucked at poker lately... except the first place I took last week for one of our two games. I guess I really need to start really paying attention to the hands I play, not go into TILT so easily and maybe start reading up on better poker playing.

Neal had a job interview in Fargo last week! Everybody keep your fingers crossed that he gets a call back next week! Wouldn't it be great if we lived in the same city? We have been dating for nearly 5 years and two of them have been apart!

Well I am exhausted from posting so much to this site, so I better go take a nap... :-)


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