Thursday, May 12, 2005

Damn you Red Lobster, you tasty bastard!

So Heather, Leslie and I went to Red Lobster last night in celebration of their last day of finals. Of course we decided to order a couple of drinks to go along with our Seafood extravaganza. Heather and Leslie ordered margaritas and since I can't drink tequila anymore I got a mixed berry daquri. Sounds good right? Heather and Leslie got their drinks but mine was a no show. I wondered what was taking so damn long when I see this GIANT martini-shaped glass headed my way! It was so big I could hardly see our waiter! I exclaimed "HOLY SHIT" rather loudly, especially in a family restaurant, but damn that thing was huge! I wondered how I would ever drink the whole thing. Well it was so tasty not only did I finish it, I finished it while it was still frozen. If you want an idea of it's giant size click the link below and check out the drinks with the beads hanging from them.

So the combination of a GIANT daquiri, 30 delicious shrimp (I couldn't eat them all) , a caesar salad and those yummy cheddar bay biscuits made me one full chica. So full in fact that it was difficult for me to get up the three flights of stairs to my apartment. I got home and moaned on the couch for about an hour until my stomach decided to digest the rediculous amount of food I had consumed.


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