Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Ahh DeFrance; you and those pesky 3's!

I suppose I should give my weekly poker update. I finished 3rd the first game, no points no money. I finished 2nd in the 2nd game a few points, a few dollars. I took a bad beat at the end of the 2nd game though... I had pocket 8's and a pair of 7's came down in the flop. I raised to double the big blind and Onree pushed all in... Being the stubborn girl that I am I called him. We flipped our cards and he had a pair of 3's. I thought YES, my eights will prevail again! But what card came up on the turn? A damn 3! And of course some garbage came on the river so Onree beat me! BAH! Silly card game!


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