Monday, May 23, 2005

Rhubarb and Dancing Feet!

As I mentioned earlier, I went to my sister's house this past weekend. My parents picked me up in their new Toyota mini-van. Very nice for a mini-van I must say! Anyway, we left Fargo with about four tornados on our tail, but luckily we must have been far enough ahead of it to stay out of any inclement weather. My sister Cheryl and her husband Dan have a nice new house and I even got my own room while I was there! We went to my niece Laura's dance recital on Saturday. Laura and her group did a great job as did most of the groups but it did get a little long... 37 dances with a 15 min intermission... Yikes! Sunday we celebrated my niece Sarah's birthday she is now 12! I can't believe she is getting so old! It seem like just yesterday she was screaming in my arms! (very bad colic as a newborn) All in all a good weekend.


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