Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bats in my belfry!

This morning on my way into the office I noticed a black spot on the gray outside wall of our building. As I got closer it started to look furry. At first I thought it might be a baby bird that was killed in the storm last night until I saw the tiny claws clinging to the building! I thought holy shit, that is a damn bat, what the hell am I doing staring at the damn thing it might try nest in my hair! I ran up the stairs to tell the other girls in my office.... But by the time I got up there I started doubting what I actually saw. I mean really, I have never seen a bat just sitting out in the daylight clinging to a wall. The only time I have seen a bat up close that hasn't been flying around was in a darkened room at a zoo. Candace was leaving for a meeting at the time so we went out and re-investigated. And sure as shit, there is a bat on our wall outside!


At 4:40 PM, Blogger dj said...

i put that bat there, bring him back to me.


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