Friday, May 27, 2005

Eybrows & Hair = Crying

I haven't had a hair cut/color in quite a while... I have been in Fargo for 2 years and still haven't gotten around to finding a stylist there. I am back in Bismarck enough to still go to the stylist I have been going to for years. Well I thought I better get my hair cut and colored while I am here (in Bismarck) since it has been so long. Sherri (my usual stylist) wasn't in at all this weekend so I just ran down to Regis in the mall. My hair really isn't that difficult to cut... Just trim the ends off and keep it long has been my motto for years. Well the lady I went to said my hair was so damaged that she had to cut it quite a bit! I thought that would be ok, it really needed to be cut. In the meantime my stylist waxed my eyebrows and colored my hair too... Well long story short I ended up crying when I got home. My hair is at LEAST 10 to 12 inches shorter and my eyebrows seem non-existent. Oh and she pretty much dyed my WHOLE FACE when she was dying my hair and didn't wash any of it off before sending me out the door. So I am a short-haired, no eyebrowed girl that looks like she had a run in with Jackson Pollock. Needless to say I scrubbed my face until the top three layers of skin peeled off. AH! I am sure it really isn't as bad as it seems but I am freaking out! So the next time you see me don't freak out, it is really me I just look like I had an extreme makeover gone bad. Beware getting a new hairstylist. Always give very strict instructions lest you want to go home and cry.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Firefox & Netcraft

Are you using firefox instead of Internet Explorer yet? If not you should be! I use it and I love it! Thanks for the tip Danno! There are rarely any popups and now if you download the netcraft toolbar it helps prevent phishing! Here are the sites you need...


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Ahh DeFrance; you and those pesky 3's!

I suppose I should give my weekly poker update. I finished 3rd the first game, no points no money. I finished 2nd in the 2nd game a few points, a few dollars. I took a bad beat at the end of the 2nd game though... I had pocket 8's and a pair of 7's came down in the flop. I raised to double the big blind and Onree pushed all in... Being the stubborn girl that I am I called him. We flipped our cards and he had a pair of 3's. I thought YES, my eights will prevail again! But what card came up on the turn? A damn 3! And of course some garbage came on the river so Onree beat me! BAH! Silly card game!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Rhubarb and Dancing Feet!

As I mentioned earlier, I went to my sister's house this past weekend. My parents picked me up in their new Toyota mini-van. Very nice for a mini-van I must say! Anyway, we left Fargo with about four tornados on our tail, but luckily we must have been far enough ahead of it to stay out of any inclement weather. My sister Cheryl and her husband Dan have a nice new house and I even got my own room while I was there! We went to my niece Laura's dance recital on Saturday. Laura and her group did a great job as did most of the groups but it did get a little long... 37 dances with a 15 min intermission... Yikes! Sunday we celebrated my niece Sarah's birthday she is now 12! I can't believe she is getting so old! It seem like just yesterday she was screaming in my arms! (very bad colic as a newborn) All in all a good weekend.

Brad Pitt-take a hike!

This weekend I went to my sister's house for my niece Sarah's birthday and my niece Laura's dance recital... I will report more on that later, but first I must get to my dream from Fri night/Sat morning... I was with a group of friends (not sure who they were) at a church that had been converted to a bar in LA. A singles event for famous people was going on (Not sure why I was going because A. I am not famous and B. I am not single). The crazy part is I wasn't dating Neal, I was dating Orlando Bloom. Anyway, I was sitting in one of the pews and Brad Pitt started talking to me. I kept telling him to leave me alone because I had a boyfriend and he was going to be there anytime. He wouldn't take no for an answer and kept pursuing me! And then Jennifer Anniston was there and she was pissed off. Ok so then I woke up from my dream and fell back asleep... The dream started up again but it was a prequel to my previous dream! It was me and my girlfriends deciding to go to this party and then arriving there... It was really weird I have never awakened from a dream to fall back asleep and dream the stuff prior to what already happened. There are many details I don't remember, but man was that a weird/great dream! Imagine being pursued by Brad Pitt but turning him down because you are dating Orlando Bloom!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bats in my belfry!

This morning on my way into the office I noticed a black spot on the gray outside wall of our building. As I got closer it started to look furry. At first I thought it might be a baby bird that was killed in the storm last night until I saw the tiny claws clinging to the building! I thought holy shit, that is a damn bat, what the hell am I doing staring at the damn thing it might try nest in my hair! I ran up the stairs to tell the other girls in my office.... But by the time I got up there I started doubting what I actually saw. I mean really, I have never seen a bat just sitting out in the daylight clinging to a wall. The only time I have seen a bat up close that hasn't been flying around was in a darkened room at a zoo. Candace was leaving for a meeting at the time so we went out and re-investigated. And sure as shit, there is a bat on our wall outside!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Home alone...

This weekend was a fairly quiet one... Went to the VFW with some of the DH Crew and Danno. Man that place has inexpensive drinks! A round of beers for five people was $8.50! I recommend you check it out if you are looking for a cheap place to drink in Fargo!

Saturday I rented a couple of movies, Closer and Meet the Fockers. Meet the Fockers was ok... Not laugh out loud funny like Meet the Parents but entertaining enough. I did enjoy Closer quite a bit but then again I drank an entire bottle of wine by myself while watching it so my opinion could be skewed a bit.

Oh yeah I almost forgot (probably because it was so forgettable) I went to Amityville Horror on Saturday afternoon. The movie was just ok, didn't really scare me too much and I was even by myself! But at least Ryan Reynolds was hot enough to distract me from the mediocrity of the movie! If you feel you MUST see it I would either wait til it goes to the cheap theater or rent it.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Damn you Red Lobster, you tasty bastard!

So Heather, Leslie and I went to Red Lobster last night in celebration of their last day of finals. Of course we decided to order a couple of drinks to go along with our Seafood extravaganza. Heather and Leslie ordered margaritas and since I can't drink tequila anymore I got a mixed berry daquri. Sounds good right? Heather and Leslie got their drinks but mine was a no show. I wondered what was taking so damn long when I see this GIANT martini-shaped glass headed my way! It was so big I could hardly see our waiter! I exclaimed "HOLY SHIT" rather loudly, especially in a family restaurant, but damn that thing was huge! I wondered how I would ever drink the whole thing. Well it was so tasty not only did I finish it, I finished it while it was still frozen. If you want an idea of it's giant size click the link below and check out the drinks with the beads hanging from them.

So the combination of a GIANT daquiri, 30 delicious shrimp (I couldn't eat them all) , a caesar salad and those yummy cheddar bay biscuits made me one full chica. So full in fact that it was difficult for me to get up the three flights of stairs to my apartment. I got home and moaned on the couch for about an hour until my stomach decided to digest the rediculous amount of food I had consumed.

Ok I suck at poker...

Well my prediction was right... I not only DIDN'T dominate at poker last night... I sucked. 4th place both games. I got crap cards and played them crappily too!

Neal was in town from Monday until this morning! It is always so great to see him and it makes me sad when he leaves. Hopefully he can find a job here soon! Keep your fingers crossed! While he was here he got me a new computer desk chair! I had been using a folding chair and that sucked! My new chair is awesome! Thanks Neal!

Ok I just re-read that last paragraph and I am the exclamation point queen! Oops! :)

Tonight we are going out to Red Lobster to celebrate Heather's last final! Good food and booze, what could be better?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Carol King is an Alien that won't let me sleep!

Last night I started reading a new book called, you guessed it, Carol King is an Alien. I purchased this book last year at the Barnes & Noble Bargain Book Sale... I didn't have any expectations on how the book might be because the last book I tried to read from the B&N BBS was horrible! Well I ended up not being able to put it down until 2:45 am! I tried 3 times to put it away but kept giving myself the "ok, just one more chapter" rationale. So now on Cinco De Mayo I am paying the price. I guess I won't be going out and drinking Mexican cervesa tonight I will be going home to finish my book. And then I hope to take a long winters nap... Or ok a good night spring sleep.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Last night I kicked ass!

Last night I played a little poker... Now I am certainly not as good a player as wil wheaton ( check it out) or even as good as Mr. Dan Schwartz but I got some good ass cards to take me to the top of our two games! Yeah! I am $16 richer but more importantly I am the POINT LEADER for the month of May! I am sure my prediction from last night will come true because it usually does ~ I kicked ass one week and will suck for the rest of the month. So be prepared to hear me whining about how sucky I played for the next four weeks! LUCKY YOU! I guess I should actually LEARN how to play the game, maybe I will have better luck.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Do I look like a Ma'am to you?

Ok, I was walking into work this morning minding my own business when I hear, "Ma'am can you please help me?" I didn't look up initally because I thought she must be talking to someone else. I did a quick scan of the parking lot and I was the only one out there... So I looked in the direction the voice came from and a lady in a Ford Explorer was looking directly at me. She said again, "Ma'am can you help me, I am looking for the Montessori school." I went over, pointed the school out to her, smiled and walked off very dejected. I am 28 years old, do 28 year olds deserve the title Ma'am? Now I realize I have a LOT of gray hair that hasn't been dyed in quite a while, but really do I look like a Ma'am? I just went in the bathroom and took a good hard look at myself... I don't think I look like a Ma'am... But then again who wants to think she looks like a Ma'am? Can't we just force everyone to say Madame from now on? That is what Ma'am comes from isn't it? Madame sounds much more distinguished to me. I think I am going to start an email campaign for the elimination of Ma'am from our common vernacular. Ma'am just makes every woman feel old. Ok I could be overreacting here, but still it just wasn't the first thing I wanted to hear this morning, or truthfully ever in my life.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Damn my aching back!

This past weekend was spent mostly at the Schwartz pad drinkin and playing poker. Normally I would be happy about doing that but this time not so much... Here are the reasons:
#1 On friday we were drinking because it was Dan's last day in the Fargo iNet office. I walked past his empty, darkened office a couple times today and my stomach just kinda sank. It just isn't the same without his headphone clad head peaking over the rediculous amount of monitors stacked up in his office. I hope he is having a good first day at his new job but we all miss him here.
#2 On Saturday I was over at the Schwartz residence again because our good friend Blakeby was in town... We did some more drinking and poker playing. It was all fun and games until later in the eveing say around 1:30 am. I was chatting on the phone with my roomate Heather and out of nowhere Dan tackled me. Now this might not have been a problem, but he tackled me and the CHAIR I was sitting in. Needless to say I have a few giant bruises on my back and leg. I was kinda stiff all day yesterday; today the bruises are throbbing. Are bruises supposed to throb? So Dan if you are reading this, THANKS!

Seriously though, it was a good weekend. Hanging out at the Schwartz's is always a good time.